This is going to be an exciting year to be a Louisville KY Newborn Photographer! My first newborn to kick off the New Year was sweet little Miss Madeline. It’s hard to believe that just 2 short years ago I was photographing her big sister’s Senior photos. I can only imagine the surprised faces when Mom and Dad found out they had this little angel on the way. Nonetheless, her presence has reshaped this family in a wonderful way and you can see the love exuding from both mom and sister when they came to see me.

Mother and her 2 lovely daughters
I always get the same couple of questions about posing: “Why do you twist the baby up like a pretzel?” or “Why do you pose them like that, it looks unnatural?” Simple answers are “Because I can” and “Because they can only bend like this for a few short weeks out of the womb.” Now, I want you to understand that I’m not being smug or arrogant when I say that. I’m saying it because I have been properly trained in this skill and know how to pose the baby safely. Not all babies can fold like a pretzel or do that highly sought after “froggy pose,” but it takes a trained professional such as myself to know how to execute it properly and to know when a baby just can’t do a pose. You should never try to force a baby to do anything. It’s also important to know that following my prep guide properly is also key, because without a deep sleeping baby, none of these poses would be possible. All of my newborn clients are sent this prep info prior to their sessions (not available for purchase).
I love this series from her session with the soft pink tones and how well they compliment her skin. I am a sucker for all things vintage / romantic or whimsical! These dainty tiebacks from Luneberry and Dear Felicity, along with coordinating wraps from Dolly Priss and Itsy Bitsy Blooms (sparkle wrap) fit the bill . Gorgeous lacey backdrop is from Rose and Ruffles.

Poses shown from the top: Froggy, Timber, and bottom 3 are various angels of the Womb Pose.
In my Full Newborn Sessions, I include 2 backdrops for beanbag posing that the parents can give their input on color or leave it to photographer’s choice. Here, I used another posing fabric from Roses and Ruffles, a purple lattice bonnet from Tanyas Tangles and a cream dainty knit bonnet from Emma Ruth Designs.
After I finished up with the beanbag shots, we moved on to some prop shots and these are a handful of my favorites. Purple wrap with matching bonnet is from Amos and Sawyer. Vintage floral crown can be found at The Birds Nest Props.
A few behind the scenes moments captured. I just love how sweet and simple these are. These would be the types of photos I would look back on and cherish if I were a new mom as well.

Behind the scenes
Book your newborn session with me!
Jennifer Rittenberry Photography specializes in newborn, baby, family, child and maternity photography in Louisville, Kentucky and surrounding areas including but not limited to Mount Washington.
Sarah Hill - Jennifer, you are such an inspiration! I absolutely love your work and hope I can take photos as beautiful as yours one day!! You should offer a workshop, I know people would love it! I think my zip is too close to yours, but you could definitely get some aspiring newborn photographers!!!
Jennifer Rittenberry Photography - Thank you Sarah! Unfortunately, I am not able to teach due to confidentiality clauses in the workshops that I have attended. Rachel Vanoven is my mentor and offers excellent workshops, both online and in person.
Florence Trauth - Jennifer is a very talented photographer. My friends and family can’t get enough of Lil Maddie’s photos. Poor Maddie was having tummy problems the day of her photo shoot but you would never know it by looking at her pictures. Jennifer was so patient and caring. I love my pictures. Thank you Jennifer.
Jennifer Rittenberry Photography - I almost forgot about the tummy problems Maddie had that day. Can you believe that? She pooped on me 5 times that day now that I think back. lol. I am so glad I was able to capture these for you!!
Sueann - These images are priceless! I love every single one of them. From the poses to all the props and lighting. The colors are also amazing and soft. Louisville KY is so lucky to have such an amazing newborn photographer in their area.
Hannah Drews Photography - These are gorgeous newborn portraits. I love how you explain that you pose them like this because they can only do this for such a short amount of time! Such a beautiful Louisville family!
Jenny Storment - Madeline is so precious and I love the newborn photography you did of her she is beyond adorable.
daria - what gorgeous newborn photos! beautiful posing, colour, and props!
Dawn - This is so sweet!! I love how this turned out. The images are so soft and precious. Amazing. This Louisville KY family is going to be over the moon. Amazing newborn photographer!
Brenden - These newborn photos are just sweet perfection. I love all the pink colors, and wraps you used. And I think its great to let expecting mom know..well what to expect!The behind the scenes photos ware a nice little glimpse into the newborn photography world too!
Corey - Beautiful family! I love the ones with Mom and big sister and the props you used during her newborn session are so sweet!
martha - Wonderful images! This family is so lucky to have chosen you to be their Louisville KY Newborn Photographer!
Emily Supiot - These are just perfect. So tiny and delicate. I love newborn photography and these are just fantastic.
Amanda - I love this Louisville newborn session. The images of mom and baby are my favorite. it makes my momma heart swell. Great newborn photography.
Shannon Dickson - These are beautiful portraits of this newborn baby girl. I am sure these Louisville parents are delighted to have such great images of their daughter.
Dawn Potter - I can certainly sew why this Louisville family hired you to be their newborn photographer. Your work is gorgeous! I love the behind the scenes photos that you’ve included in your post as well. Thank you for sharing!
tccba - You are so right about all the safety aspects here! Having a newborn photographer trained in safety is crucial. This baby may have been a late surprise to her parents, but I think that just means she has a special purpose here, and you have documented her first days of life beautifully. I hope we get to see her Louisville senior portrait session by you years from now too!
Michele Maloney - What great information, and lovely newborn photos! It’s great to prepare all of the Louisville mommas out their for a beautiful experience creating art!
Esther Edith - Gorgeous newborn portraits! Families in Louisville KY are so blessed to have access to your amazing newborn photography
Jessica C - What an adorable newborn session! Louisville is lucky to have such a wonderful photographer!
Kasi Reuther - The first newborn image is just stunning, it made me stop and look at it for a minute.
What a wonderful Louisville newborn photographer.
Kathy - GORGEOUS! You are a very talented newborn photographer! It takes a lot of expertise to master this area of photography! Louisville KY is lucky to have you!
RobynK - Three beautiful ladies – mama and big sister are lucky you were able to capture such a special moment in their lives with the newborn sister in their lives. What a fantastic newborn photography session <3
Jennifer Lee - Your images are stunning, I love this newborn session in every way. Great job, I am sure they must be thrilled.
Melissa D. - I can see why this Louisville family contacted you to be there newborn photographer! These images are absolutely beautiful.
Allison Anderson - I think you did a great job of both the newborn photos and explaining why some newborn photographers do what they do! You have captured some lovely photos of this Louisville KY baby and her family.
Nicola - Newborn safety is so important and I really like that you’ve taken the time to explain that you know how to pose babies safely. Newborn photography is a special skill and it’s essential to know how to handle little ones in their first days of life. It’s important for parents-to-be in Louisville to see that you not only create beautiful portraits, but that you are a responsible newborn photographer and take their babies’ care seriously. Great post!